I’m doing a Cleanse – My summary

I did it! 3 days cleansing: detox - www.healthyhappysteffi.com

Guys, I did it! Crazy! Yeah, yeah, yeah!! Did I already say: YEAH!!!

Oh, I’m really proud of myself! Because it was not always easy. So here is my summary and the conclusion of my 3-Day Cleanse:

How did I feel?

The first day was easy-peasy. I was so excited that it finally started and would therefore probably have made it even with half the juice. Headaches and hunger came in the afternoon / evening, but not so strong and was quickly over. I slept like a baby for 10 hours.

The second day was divided into two parts. At the beginning everything was great. I was fit, well rested, had no appetite and lots of energy. However, starting in the afternoon, it became tedious. The hunger came and stayed even after a juice and in the evening it was even worse. I got digestive problems and had absolutely no desire for juice. I had to force myself to drink the juice and would have rather not drunk anything. But I didn’t want to miss the nutrients. When I went to bed I felt also a little sick, but I fell asleep quite fast and slept long and deep.

On day three I actually ways hungry and had digestion problems the whole day, beginning in the morning. It was very tedious and not ​​so much fun. I honestly don’t know exactly what it was. Maybe some vegetables (celery?). Or the full power of raw food, which I’m not used to? I was in any case at the end of the third day sure that my conclusion would not be so good.

Today is the day after the Cleanse and everything has changed. I am fit, all digestive problems are gone, I got almost overnight quite soft skin (the whole body) and feel great. No kidding! I even thought this morning: „Hmm, if today was another juice-day, that wouldn’t be bad.“ I never would have expected that! Not after the last one and a half days! My body just needed the three days to get used to ist and it could now take off. Crazy :-)

summary of my 3 day cleanse: detox - www.healthyhappysteffi.com

How has my body responded to the Cleanse?

  • I always had a strong coating on the tongue in the mornings (great sign of detoxification!)
  • I only had little headaches (usually it is supposed to be more, but as I already live very healthy (no meat, no dairy, no sugar, no coffee, no cigarettes), I probably had not so many withdrawal symptoms)
  • I had digestive problems beginning after half of the Cleanse. That is almost typical for me. I am a „stomach-type“; headaches I get quite seldom. For me, my stomach responds when something is new or strange.
  • I got very soft skin after day three.
  • I lost some weight. No idea how much, maybe 2 kilos?
  • I feel fit, energized and alert (even though I’ve been drinking „only“ juices for 3 days!).

What surprised me?

  • That I’ve done it: 3 days with nothing to chew!
  • That I liked the fruity juices more than the veggie juices (probably caused by the natural sugar in the fruits)
  • That the beneficial effects occurred only after day 3. I wouldn’t have expected that (anymore)!
  • That after the third day I actually feel like I could go on with the cleanse.

my summary of my 3 day cleanse - www.healthyhappysteffi.com

What tips do I have?

  • Get the juices delivered. That makes everything easier and motivates you, because there are all these juices in your fridge and you payed them and they are ready for you and prepared by professionals. You don’t have to do anything and you are less tempted to cheat.
  • Take some days off or a long weekend. If you feel bad (headache, nausea, digestive problems), then you don’t want to work! You also need the rest and while working I always get hungry quickly.
  • Check the juices exactly before you order and ensure that no fruit or vegetables are in it that you don’t like or your body can’t handle.
  • Distract yourself. That really works. Because the hunger will come. And then you need good company, some yoga, a good movie, fresh air, etc.
  • Tell everybody about your cleanse or if you have a blog, write about it! On the one hand, you get quite a lot of encouragement and you will be pleased that so many people think of you :-) And on the other hand you stay motivated, because you want to properly report and share your real experiences with your readers and friends.

Would I do it again?

Good question. A single day definitely! But if longer, then either more than 3 days (I’m now somehow quite curious what would have happened if I had carried on for two more days or so), or in the form of a alkaline fasting like the lovely Trickytine did it. There you have at least some soups and vegetables to chew. It takes longer than only 3 days, but you could perhaps make while working.

Anyway, I still believe that fasting (in whatever form) can do well, because the body is flooded with goodness and prevented from anything toxic and I would not want to miss the experience!

With Yuicery I was also super happy (with the juices and the distribution etc.) and I would definitely do it again with them. So, thank you again at this point for the invitation and the great collaboration :-)


I hope that gave you a comprehensive insight. Please leave your comments or questions and tell me if you are doing a cleanse, too. I am very interested, because everyone’s body is different!

Lots of love,


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