Health Facts pineapple

pineapples are real friends -

The pineapple is not only from the outside a real beauty, but has also internally a lot to offer, that we shouldn’t miss:

Pineapple contains:

  • Many vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, E, biotin, provitamin A, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, potassium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus, iron, zinc, and iodine)
  • the enzyme bromelain
  • Vanillin, serotonin and tryptophan


The pineapple with its ingredients is therefore good for the following:

  • it is strongly anti-inflammatory (e.g., it helps even with a sore throat if you gargle pineapple juice and it is great for colds and fever)
  • Bromelain functions blood-thinning and therefore it is good for the cardiovascular system
  • it is a perfect nervefood and stress reducer that improves mental and physical performance and acts as an antidepressant
  • is strongly alkaline and helps reducing acidity
  • it detoxifies and supports fat digestion
  • is great for the skin
  • it supports the immune system

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