Health Facts blueberries

blueberries - healthy multitalents -

Blueberries are absolutely capable of multitasking and a „must“ or „want“ in the period from June to October, when they are in season.

And that’s in it:

  • many vitamins and minerals (vitamin C, E and B6, folic acid, carotene, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium and calcium)
  • Anthocyanin (a secondary plant substance), that intercepts and neutralizes free radicals, which protects blood vessels and slows blood clotting
  • special tanning agents that promote digestion

And thus blueberries are:

  • great for the skin, even counteract wrinkles
  • best for the immune system
  • supporting in wound healing 
  • antioxidant through the vitamins and secondary plant substances, and thus reduce stress for the whole body
  • great supporters of gut health
  • good against atherosclerosis
  • a great protection for the cardiovascular system and cancer 
  • great for eye health

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